Q: Share your story of project creation. What new things do you want to bring to the crypto world?
A: We are very keen to connect people who want to help and support the needy in a practical manner where they can see evidence and get involved as much as they would like with the wonderful charities we are identifying.
Q: Where is the uniqueness in the project? What would you pin as your main comparative advantage?
A: Unlike many other projects, our aim is not just to donate to causes but also to be on the ground and get our hands dirty. We want to show the people who are struggling that we are also here for them mentally, emotionally, and physically. We believe this is something that sets us apart within the crypto space.
Q: What was the biggest struggle so far, and what do you feel you can be most proud of at this point?
A: The biggest struggle has been to get people to appreciate the hard work we put into this venture as it is so new, some members could have:
- Wrong expectations
- No real understanding of our objectives
- Not actively getting involved to share our work
However, we don’t let this bring us down. We have a strong leadership team and understand that the road can be bumpy, but this, on the other hand, helps us to get motivated because we know that we are doing the right thing. If we can just bring someone’s smile back because they can have a meal after few days of hunger, this is better than all the hardships we can be faced with.
Q: After studying your project, I realized that you are focused on charity. How are you going to help this world, and are there any plans to partner with other charities?
A: Yes, indeed! Working with charities or organizations established to help others in need is our key focus. We are in talks with few organizations at the moment and few incoming partnerships in the pipeline.
Q: Can safe token holders or regular users participate in the charity? Do you have plans for a fund where users could donate?
A: We do have a fund indeed for such purposes. Anyone willing to donate will be able to do so. They can just get in touch with our Community and Welfare department.
Q: SafeCom stands for communities in need and for those less fortunate. Does Safecom have a Global Ambassadorial Program to expand your communities to other regions? How do you plan to target the Non-English communities?
A: Yes, our project is not tied to solely one region or location. We aim to respond to the needs regardless of where they are located. We listen to the community through polls as we decide as a group where support should be placed. We are looking into the recent spike of Covid19 in India and the volcanic eruption in St. Vincent to see how we can help.
Q: Can you tell more about RFI Static Rewards. If I understand correctly, I just keep tokens on my balance, and my balance is growing. How does this work?
A: When you’re holding a token in your wallet, you will receive a free token (auto staking). The number of tokens you receive will be defined by the total amount of tokens you have in your wallet. 6% will be divided by the total amount of holder base on their holding quantity.
Q: Share your plans for the future. What goals do you set for yourself? How are you going to surprise the users who follow and support you?
A: As long as we can help and participate in making a difference, the future is bright for us. We would encourage any like-minded and long-term investors to join us and be part of this amazing journey.
We do not make promises, but we ensure each day that we deliver on our goals and set targets within the leadership team, which we believe will benefit the community in the long run.
We at SAFECOM are focused on making this world a better and Safer Community. This is our target, and this is what keeps us driven every day.